Yoga for Adventure Cyclists

Yoga for Adventure Cyclists

By Adventure Pedlars

A March holiday to northern Spain turned into 6 weeks of enforced lockdown for Adventure Pedlars’ Pete and Alice McNeil.

With their bookings calendar in disarray and a return date uncertain, Pete was making the best of things, exploring the gravel trails and singletrack around Asturias, until lockdown restrictions tightened and injury struck. (Possibly too many reps of picking up baby Pip!) Luckily, Alice is a registered yoga teacher (some of you may remeber her from the Tuesday evening Yoga for Adventure Sports at Alpkit Hathersage) and a chartered physiotherapist so Pete was in good hands!

From the garden of their accidental lockdown ‘cabaña’, Pete and Alice have very kindly put together a 15 minute yoga sequence, tailored specifically for the demands of adventure cycling (with a little bit of background fun and games from Pip and Keela the trail dog!): “It’s suitable for anyone even - especially - if you’ve never done any yoga before! You can repeat it whenever and wherever you find yourself - especially ‘on the road’ in all your wild adventures to come...”

Keeping our bodies and minds healthy and balanced is a big priority for all of us during Lockdown, and especially so if you’re accustomed to the wide-open horizons and endless roads and trails of bikepacking or adventure cycle touring...

Here at Adventure Pedlars, we’ve had to momentarily pause our normal work of introducing people to the joys of adventure cycle travel. But this doesn’t mean that we can’t contribute what we can, in some small way, to the current situation.

We’ve brought together our combined experience of years of global cycle travel and bikepacking, along with qualifications in Yoga teaching and Physiotherapy, to develop a short, accessible and free yoga programme. It’s designed specifically to treat and alleviate the muscle imbalance and back pain so common to cyclists who regularly push beyond the usual limits. (It’s also super relevant for anyone else to address these symptoms).

We know it’s not much but if this can help some people, in some way then that’s good enough for us. A massive thank you goes to the amazing folk at EcoFarm Asturias for putting us up in this beautiful place when the lockdown kicked off and trapped us in Spain. We wholeheartedly recommend a visit when you get the chance!

Stay safe everyone and enjoy!

Disclaimer: This programme is NO substitute for professional medical attention. If you experience ANY pain at all DO NOT PROCEED. Listen to your body.

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