#Goodnight2020campout by Stu Taylor

Goodnight2020campout by Stu Taylor

By Alice Peyredieu

Inspired by Bikepacking.com I decided that their Good Night 2020 camp out was the perfect adventure tonic I needed to get me out during this strangest of festive times in the middle of a global panademic.

The rules set were simple:

Rule #1: Camp out with your bike between December 26th and 31st.

We’re well aware that many of you might be under COVID-19 restrictions, or even lockdown. So, we welcome you to camp in your backyard, your back porch, or wherever possible. Just make sure to follow rule number three…

Rule #2: Keep it small and self-sufficient.

Remember, we’re in the middle of a pandemic. Follow COVID-19 regulations.

Rule #3: Have a good night.

Enjoy your night, preferably outdoors… but we understand if that’s not an option. Eat some good camp grub. Drink something tasty. Stare at a fire. Look at the stars. Reflect on the changes you made in 2020 and lessons learned. Toast something, or someone. Good Luck. Godspeed. And peace out, 2020!

The date was set for the 30th December, the moon was full, the stars filled the sky and the temperatures at minus 5 and below!

The plan was to leave home late 10pm with a rucksack and minimal kit. I had packed my Soloist tent, pipe-dream 400 sleeping bag, cloud base mat, filament down jacket, hat and down gloves. Along with my riding kit this should ensure that I would be warm enough during early hours. I opted to take a hot flask over a stove just for simplicity and ease, I ate a hot meal before I left so just took some snacks and a head torch as my last addition to the bag.

Scraping the ice of my Sonder Broken Road the temperature was minus 5, off I rode with my bike light glistening on the frozen ground, the sound of the grass was crisp and the snow crunching under my tyres.

It wasn’t long my before I arrived at a sweet little camping spot only a couple of kilometres from home, I got the camp set up quick and poured myself a hot drink as I lay in my sleeping bag looking out of the tent. The full moon was so bright it lit up the landscape all around, the stars filled the dreamy sky and wasn’t long be I nodded off to sleep.

Waking up in the morning to the most amazing panoramic views of the Lake District, Howgills and Ingleborough with the sun rising was amazing. The temperature had dropped very cold during the night and although I was warm most of my kit around me was frozen.

With just enough hot chocolate left in my flask to keep me warm whilst I packed the camp away, all that was then left to do was roll home taking in the glorious sunrise and the micro adventure that was #goodnight2020campout

I loved it x

Remember you don’t need to look to far for your next adventure.

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