With Love From Madagascar Update 1

With Love From Madagascar Update 1

By Alpkit

With Love From Madagascar Update 1

Klara Harden and Karsten Prühl start their tour and making of the film around Madagascar with mixed experiences. Here's a short excerptfrom Karsten's logbook as they set off.

Before I started this journey I've been overwhelmed by my self-made idea of Madagascar appearing to be a cradle of life. Life. What is life at all if not some kind of idea, a magnitude, that builds shapes and forms with matter flowing through it like water through a river that manages to keep its form, although constantly moving...

Funny: we had a coffee in Café la Gare - the guarded place for white and rich people in central Tana - only because they have internet for free. Suddenly we got to know scientific journalist Franziska Badenschier. Surprisingly she already knew our project and she recognized us after a second of melting the ice. She is focussed on the island's environmental circumstances, writes an interesting and detailed blog diary about her travels in Madagascar and - best - was willing to give us an interview about her work, life and opinion on environmental issues. She was also great in giving us hints and valuable information. Chances opened up and she lead us to an analytic talked with her colleague and friend Uwe Birkel from Tana's university. Uwe teaches Malagassy students to communicate tourism at the university in Tana. For us he opened the doors for an refreshing insight into the upcoming generation of Madagascar's international future. His actual group of students talk excellent German and are very ambitious in their field. Neither Klara nor me expected such great contacts, information, friends and experiences. A very very good start...

After arriving in the small stinky litte town of Ranomafana at the RN2 we were hungry like hell. A chinese restaurant was supposed to feed us. First, I thought the meal to be well done and ordered another plate full with pork. While writing about that pork my stomach feels provoked. After an hour and back in our dusty bungalow I noticed a change. After two hours I turned upside down. Probably it was a mixture between some kind of sun stroke and poisoned food. Nevertheless Klara did a great job in caring for me, but couldn't prevent me to spread my internal organs into theawkward garden of our house keeper. How much did I sleep? I don't remember. Most relaxation came from these feel free seconds after the.. I think you got the point.

read the full entry of Karsten's Madagascar logbookincluding plenty more great photos, or read why they have headed to Madagascar.

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